one sky music

Category Archives: Music

January 1, 2012

Temple gates in Japan have a unique feature: a high wooden doorsill on must be very mindful of. It has several symbolic functions other than its practical one of the gate’s construction. First, it requires one to look down. To do this, one must naturally bow one’s head. This indicates respect and humbleness. Secondly, awareness is needed because if you happen to space-out and not see the sill, you are sure to trip and fall. In fact, there is a beautiful Zen temple outside the city of Okayama where exactly this happened. The master was challenging one of his young diciples just by the temple gate one day and became annoyed with the monk’s answer to a particular koan. Suddenly with warning, he swung his staff to hit the disciple and lost his balance in the process, tripping over the sill and breaking his leg. The master screamed, “Itai!” which roughly translates as a painful and agonizing “Ouch!” In that same instant, the disciple upon hearing the masters scream became enlightened. Respect, humbleness, awareness — all are deeply-connected to a temple gate’s design.

I see this New Year like a temple gate. Existence has delivered me its threshold, generously giving me yet another opportunity to grow and discover myself: to live, love, dance and sing, laugh, cry, meditate and more. New adventures lie waiting just around the corner as Osho would say; as well as new life-lessons to be learned and experienced. So, with all due respect and humbleness, I bow my head in gratitude to the year that was and with all awareness open my eyes and step over the sill and into to the year that will be — 2012! At this stage, it is much too early to say what what it will be — it is a mystery waiting to be discovered — but it is off to a good start. I stand ready to set-sail and embrace it.

October 31, 2011

The USA Events — another year, another miracle

I don’t know if you are experiencing like me, but this year seem a little more intense than usual. I don’t mean it necessarily in a negative sense. It is like the intensity of everything is stronger, as if life itself is vibrating at a higher frequency. I feel it on many levels — in my creativity, my meditations, throughout my everyday activities, also in my connections with others. And it casts a shadow of uncertainty over everything, a not-knowing-what-to-expect-the-next-moment while creating a big, collective anxiety. From the perspective of the tours, they have never been more beautiful. On the hand, I find myself having to let go more and trust that things are going to work out and be ok — just maybe not in the way I am expecting. Never in all my years have I not been able to picture in my mind’s eye how the USA events would look like. Usually, I can get some sense of them. This time, I simply could not see the forest for the proverbial trees. I found myself going through the usual motions — organizing the music equipment, renting the van, making the many necessary preparations — all without really knowing what was going to happen. Looking back, having just completed three of the most-wonderful weekends possible, I find myself meditating on the koan of trust and control. Sure, I would have felt more comfortable and secure beforehand knowing who this year’s band would be. Yet, had I come with a full band as I usually do, there would not have been space for something new. And I really have to say it has been an absolute joy to have so many new musician friends join the events — Arjun and Sharabo in New York; Shanti, Suriya, Shiva Das, and Lee in Dallas; Gillian, Dave, and Orpheus in Chicago. So a very special “thank you” goes out to all of them. To be honest, I haven’t felt such energy and intensity in the USA weekends since 9/11. I guess we are all feeling the collective world-situation strongly.And in these uncertain times, I think it is safe to say this is the meditation. Before moving onto the photos (all you photographers, thank you) I am reminded of a discourse question Vimal asked Osho in 1987. I can’t remember the exact wording, but it goes something like this: “Concerning the current world situation, how to avoid feeling depressed and utterly hopeless?” Osho starts by berating Vimal for being so serious, then goes on to say the state of the world should not be our concern. Our only concern is to wake up. And that even if the world should end tomorrow, no worries. We will go dancing and celebrating.

New York

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18 3 n8
1_002 n5 n2_000
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21 10_000 23
7_002 18_000 35_000
19_002 28_001 3_001
30 8_001 25_000
27_002 36_001 14_002
13_005 d1_000 32_000



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2_002 24_001 9_003
33_000 25_001 22
1_007 4_001 21_001
41_001 15_001 43
36_002 31_001 6_003
8_003 3_004 10_002


67 40_002 39_001

geetam’s lemon bars  …

 osho  …

and the rainbow

In Zen the saying it is “the Path not the Goal”. Certainly, the long miles between events gave new meaning to this. Some iconic highlights along the way included crossing the Mississippi at Memphis, Tennesse, homeplace of “The King” Elvis Presely, and passing St. Louis the night of the first World Series baseball game (the Cardinals won the Series!). The game was in progres as we drove by, the stadium fully-lit within sight of the highway. Just next to it could seen the elegant and famous Gateway Arch as we again crossed the Mississippi River enroute to Chicago.

26_000 40 4_002
September 30, 2011

Europe Tour

Osho RISK Summer Festival

r6 r5 r2
r11 r9 r7
r13 r3_000 r10
r4 r17_000 r15_000

Sugama Summer Festival – Czech Republic

c12_001 c10 c9
c1 c8 c6
c4 c3 c2

Days Off – Parimal, Germany

p3 p4 p7

Zurich Summer Festival – Switzerland

z29_000 z9 z28_000
z19 z8 z16
z34_000 z7_000 z36
z32_001 z27_000 z33_000
z21 z22 z20


Our day-off in Zurich we visited Vedam, friend and wonderful flautist who suffered twin strokes severval years ago leaving him partially paralysed. He is currently in a rehab home not from from the city. It is one of theose things in life that is hard to understand why, but he is in good spirits and understood all my naughty jokes (I originally learned from him!). He still has a way to go, but his mind is clear and I know he is working hard to recover. It was a great visit and we will continue to support with our love and meditations and trust he’ll be back with us soon.

z4 z5

The next events after Zurich were a series of summer parties: Milano, Munich, and Parimal. I don’t have photos from them so you’ll have to take my word for it they were all … super!

The tour finished with the Afroz Summer Festival on the Island of Lesvos, Greece. It was an energy happening under an endless blue sky, summer sun, and starry starry nights. There were several photographers on hand with some very good cameras so we got lots of pictures — so many so that it was difficult to choose. I’ve made a selection I feel gives an impression of the peak experience it was and promises to be again next year.

Osho Afroz Summer Festival – Island of Lesvos, Greece

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June 21, 2011
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Osho News Online Magazine, June 21, 2011
Punya interviews Milarepa about his life as a song-writer and musician.

“I had the pleasure to play often with Milarepa, first standing next to each other in the line-up during drive-by (both trying our best on Nivedano’s drums) and later when he invited me (countless times) to be part of the percussion section of his band for the White Robe Evening Meditation and the Sannyas Celebration in Pune, India. We reconnected after long time when we reported about the music festival he ran last year in Lesvos, Greece; and now for this interview when I also had a pleasant surprise to found in the post his new CD, ‘Daydreams’.”

How did your ‘music career’ start?

I have never considered myself a professional or career musician, nor an entertainer. Music for me is a love affair and a kind of hobby: I play music for fun. It is more an excuse to share my heart, celebrate my life, and enjoy meditation with others.

It all started when I learned guitar in high school (I wanted to play like the cool guys I heard playing on records I was listening to at the time: The Beatles, The Stones, Bob Dylan among others) but I never mastered music as a subject in school, which means that I am quite ‘poor’ in the sense that I don’t read music or understand its theory.

When did you write your first song?

It was at Rajneeshpuram, in 1981 to be exact. I wrote it during a lunch break: I was sitting in the sun on the back porch of my house happier than I had ever been in my life. In fact, my four years at the Ranch were the best of my life and something definitely worth singing about. The song emerged as a spontaneous feeling to express my joy, my love and gratitude to Osho. It was ‘This Life Our Celebration’. The song was later chosen by the Commune to be sung during the main darshan at the First Annual World Celebration.

So you sang it for Osho?

No, I was not picked to be in the band.

How was that for you?

It was OK. We were all friends. Some of us sang and played in the various celebration bands, some of us washed dishes, some of us cleaned houses and worked in the fields. This was how it was in the Commune. Whatever ‘work’ I did was the same to me. I was just as happy being a backhoe driver as I was with a guitar in my hands. There was never any question of jealousy or competition. It was more than enough that my song was selected to be sung to Osho. The second part which goes ‘Alive Alive’ was later added by Maniko, one of the musicians. It was a thrill hearing it played in the celebration and I was surprised how quickly people learned the words. As the whole hall began to sing it together, the energy went through the roof! I couldn’t have wished for a better gift.

Well, it is still a hit today and we quite often sing it in our band here! When did you sing for Osho then? And how was that?

The first time I was invited to be in the band for a Celebration was for one of the Ranch Festivals, I think maybe it was Osho’s birthday. I sang my song ‘In The Silence Of Your Presence’. As I was singing and watching him, I suddenly realized what a unique opportunity it was to give something back to him for all he was giving me, especially to be able to express this in words and song directly to him. This was so ultimately fulfilling.

For most of us in the Commune, being with Osho was pretty much a one-way affair: He gave and we received, and this exchange mostly happened in silence – at least from the disciple side. Perhaps this is the ‘right’ way to be with a master, but I can only share that there is a lot of joy that comes from being able to give something back. For me, the songs are all about this. I see them as vehicles for love and gratefulness, and are the most beautiful way I know to say thank you: to Osho, to Existence, to the Divine, whatever name one likes to give it.

I remember you playing the surdo and that you enjoyed it because, for once, there were no chords…

One of the greatest things that happened in my life aside from meeting Osho was Nivedano teaching me to play the Brazilian surdo drum. I love the mindlessness of just playing the beat. That’s right – no chords! My rhythm in the beginning was very square. I played like I was in a marching band, with no swing, as Nivi would say. One particularly frustrating day during drive-by at the Ranch, I had been struggling with the groove when Nivi came up to me and said, “It is not the way you hit the drum. It’s the way you mute the sound with the other hand that gives the groove and makes it swing.” He told me to watch the women dancing and how their butts move. This would give an indication I was on the right track or not.

Later in Pune I also remember that after Sannyas Celebration the organisers often said that you had sung the ‘right’ song for each person, although you did not know them at all. What was the trick? Can you explain that?

You have heard the expression ‘a good magician never tells his tricks’? You might have also heard that the original Milarepa, my Tibetan namesake, was famous for his magic. I’ll leave it at this.

Osho answered many of your questions. Was there one answer which was more significant than others?

One of the most significant ‘answers’ Osho gave to me came in the form of a question he penned on my behalf and signed my name to: “Beloved Osho, Why am I a philosopher?” Up until this time, I used to think a lot of about great spiritual things. After this, I started taking myself and the world around me a little less seriously.

Now you are mostly touring with the One Sky Band? Do you like all this travelling?

Yes, I have been touring with my band since 2002. Usually I am Europe in the summer and in the USA in early autumn. Then in the Far East – Japan and Taiwan – in late autumn and spring. I like to add a few unknown countries to my schedule every year to keep it fresh and interesting. I am not pulled to any place in particular now because the Commune for me has expanded beyond its physical borders. My work in the world is the same now as when I lived in the Commune: I am nourished in the same way, maybe even more because of this expansion. And yes, I love to travel. It is in my bones to be a ‘rolling stone’. Sometimes I play with a band and enjoy the energy this creates. Sometimes I enjoy to play alone and can appreciate the intimacy and different dynamic that happens.

You are also traveling to run Music and Meditation Festivals. What do you like about them?

Festivals are an opportunity to be part of a bigger energy happening than, say, listening to a concert and being entertained. This year I will be back in Afroz. It is a magic place. The Greek Island of Lesvos has a special energy which supports creativity, love and meditation. There are also other festivals in Europe where I play with the band. Each has its own flavour and beauty. Their dates and locations can be viewed on my website schedule.

Despite all this touring you still have the time to create new songs; and you have just come out with a new CD.

I just completed my first song CD in five years. The process started in early January when I decided to finish up some partially completed songs collecting dust in my guitar case and came to fruition May 25 with the actual CDs arriving from the factory. The ‘journey’ has been a joy from start to finish. I documented it in a short YouTube clip.The album is called ‘Daydreams’ and can be purchased from Osho Risk, Osho Publikaties, and at the events. It is dedicated to Osho who remains my greatest love and inspiration.

Could you teach me how to write songs? How do they come to you? What is the secret?

I’ve been asked this many times. The truth is, I don’t really know. I can only say that music is a longing I have inside: a longing to express and share myself. Songs come easiest when I am relaxed, at ease with myself. Then the music and lyrics flow. But sometimes they don’t flow … When the winters are long and cold, I have often asked myself: ‘Do the bare trees have doubts spring will ever come again? Or do they have some deeper trust I don’t know?’ Certainly there are times when I have thought: ‘Will I ever have a new song to sing again?’ These creative droughts can be painfully long sometimes. But I’ve come to see them as a natural part of the creative process, not something to resist or fight. Just as there are outer seasons, I have my inner seasons. I’ve experienced this enough to know that sooner or later, and as if out of nowhere, spring comes and a new song is born. It is like this. I always try to sing about things relevant to my life. I love Zen which says: ‘This everyday life is divine. There is no paradise hiding or waiting somewhere else. It is present in this very life and beats in an ordinary human heart.’ These themes are reflected in all my songs, also on the new album. You will hear. As for as teaching: No, I can’t teach you how to write a song, also because I am a terrible teacher. I can only share with you my experience: the songs come from my search to understand myself, to find out who I am. Through meditation my heart opens and love starts shining – first for myself and then for others – creating in me a strong wish to share. Therefore I can only say: meditate first, love first, and then watch what happens in you. Experience has taught me that at some point one has no choice but to sing. And it’s not something that we need to force – maybe encouraged a little bit, yes, but then the music comes. It always does. It’s there inside, waiting. It is about creating the right space within for it to happen and flow. This is what I have learned from Osho and still continue to learn.

May 30, 2011


The new cd arrived May 25. It has been a five month project and a joy from start to finish. The music is something fresh. It comprises seven original songs and one instrumental. I am exploring ways to have it available online. For the moment it can be ordered from the Osho RISK Bookstore ( Also Osho Publikaties ( in The Netherlands. Gratitude to everyone who helped this project flower. It is truly something to celebrate.

March 30, 2011

Music On My Rooftop

A cd of new songs is in the works. Hopefully, it will be ready by the summer tours. Rehearsals happened in Chandira’s home, an old medieval castle near Kassel, Germany. The basic tracks were recorded in Sound Development Studio, Zurich, Swizerland with Teerth on drums, Chandira bass, me on guitar, then joined for a few days by Sidhamo(who flew in from Helsinki) on keyboards and piano. The engineer was Gabriel and his assistant, May, kept us nourished with wonderful lunches. We stayed with Regula, one of the annual Zurich event team, who also kept us nourished — with love, support, and fun.

When the basic tracks were finished, Chandira and I proceeded to California, where we met Sudhananda. The three of us stayed one week in a small studio (Dragonfly) in the redwoods, about four hours drive north of San Francisco. There we recorded the vocal and additional guitar tracks. The weather was like Indian monsoon, raining almost non-stop the whole time we were there. In a way, it was perfect as It created a womb-like, cozy environment for being creative. We did some good work and it all came down to the wire with Sudhananda and I finishing the last things at 4am the day we were leaving. There was no use trying to sleep. We were all packed in the car and off at 5am, bound for the city and our flights later that same day.

It has been a wonderful way to spend the winter months, doing something creative and keeping my energy moving. I have had a feeling since few years to move deeper into musis and this project has already more than satisfied this longing. It is very-much like watching a seed sprout as with each new phase, the songs grow and expand. Art is a mirror, so I have also had to face my demon:, the doubts and insecurities. But because of past projects, I know this is also a part of a bigger process when making something beautiful. Certainly, one of the big joys is watching things — including myself — unfold and flower. There is still a ways to go. Now is the end of March and things are more or less at the halfway point. I say ” so far, so good” and like to share with you a few photos of this magical journey.


10 8 17
9 11 91
14 6 13
16_000 5 7_000

Zurich, Swizerland – Sound Development Studio

60 1 2_000
53 3_000 02
55 92 03_001
56 58 57
07 04 08
4 09_000 94
52 06 93

Redway, California – Dragonfly Studio

76 82 83
74 73 77
71 80 75
88 72 96
70 97 78
January 1, 2011
More and more, I come to appreciate all the seasons. Each has its own beauty and special way of reflecting me. Like a blank canvas waiting for color, the New Year promises challenges. But also opportunities for creativity and expansion. I look forward to watching the painting unfold. And may everyone enjoy the luxury of their dreams and deepest longings coming true.
Osho RISK Center, Denmark
December 11, 2010

What’s New1_000

What’s new? Well, it was a busy summer for one thing, too busy to keep up with everything. Like my homepage for instance! But better late than never as the saying goes. These updates fall under the icon “what’s new?” so I think it appropriate to start with what really is new (like my new acoustic guitar!) and then look back briefly and give a nod to the many adventures the last five months. The guitar is a Larrivee L-10E, a very well-crafted instrument from Canada. It has a wonderful sound, great feel, and balanced tonality. Not only this, but it looks beautiful! As with any new instrument, current life with my Larrivee is a kind of mutual “getting-to-know-each-other” — an on-going tuning in and feeling process. From the first strum I can say without a doubt it is an absolute joy to play and will certainly look forward to the secrets it has to share and reveal.

l2_000 l3a_000

As for the events, starting from where the last update left off(Romania) beginning with the first of the summer events in Lisbon, Portugal, the photos proceed choronologically through the recently-finished USA tour. Enjoy!

Meditation and Celebration at Darshan Zen Center, Lisbon, Portugal

p2 5
p1 4

Moscow & St. Petersburg, Russia with Vatayan and Bikram

r1 r3
r4 r5
r16_001 r15_003

Europe Summer Tour

starting out …

castle c9

Osho RISK Summer Festival – Denmark

risk1 risk8
risk7_000 risk6
risk2 risk5
r12 r13_000
r55 r20
mandir_000 r14_000

Atmo- Salima – Milarepa – Teerth – Chandira – Bindu

Sugama Summer Festival, Czech Republic

c3 c2
c6 c5

WOW! — The Humaniversity, The Netherlands

h1 b
h4 h56
d a_003

Zurich Summer Festival, Switzerland

z4 z5
z33_000 z14
z1 z3-1
z8_001 z13

Osho Leela Festival in Munich featuring Pathik and the No-Mind Band

m1-1 mun-1

Miasto Summer Festival, Tuscany — Bella Italia!

i1-1 i2-1

Afroz Summer Festival — Island of Lesvos, Greece

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USA Tour


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New York

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August 19, 2010
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Osho News Online Magazine, August 30, 2010
Osho Afroz Summer Festival with Milarepa and Friends, August 16-20, 2010 by Punya

Milarepa had spent a few summers supporting the ‘Love, Devotion, Surrender’ group with Premartha and Svarup at the Osho Afroz Centre in Lesvos, Greece. He enjoyed the atmosphere so much that he came up with an idea, together with the co-founders of the centre, Varidhi and Tameer, to create a festival with music, creativity, and meditation. He and his co-organizer Disha from Istanbul invited musicians and facilitators from all over the world to support the programme.

Disha writes: “For five days, August 16 to 20, more than 120 people attended to enjoy what Milarepa calls a ‘holiday with a difference’. The intensive program started from early morning with Dynamic Meditation followed by Morning Satsang with live music. Everyday felt full and abundant with a variety of meditations and workshops; also mini-sessions, dance parties, concerts – even a variety show! One of the daily highlights included the evening White Robe meditation where everyone enjoyed celebrating with the band and listening to Osho in the outdoor buddhahall. These evenings were very special indeed. And there were plenty of breaks in the schedule for participants to relax and enjoy the sea and beautiful Erresos Beach.”

Niskriya has just come back from Lesvos saying: “The festival was very alive and juicy. The more the days passed the more I felt we were all connected with each other. The combination of celebration and meditation works! To dance with live music and then to sit down creates a space where meditation happens spontaneously. I facilitated the group ‘Spontaneous Singing’ together with Ranjana. There were 35 participants and still it went so easy. Everybody was open and ready to sing, probably because of the many meditations and the strong Buddhafield. Ranjana, together with the other Greek musicians – Sundaram, Pan, Premdas, Geetprem and Kirad – gave that special Greek flavor. It was a joy to see how Milarepa, Teerth, and Chandira melted with the Greek musicians as if they had played together forever. I can’t wait to go again!”

Pictures can sometimes say more than words, so here are thirty for you to enjoy. Photos are by Advita (used with permission – thanks!). Next year’s festival dates will be August 16-20, 2011.

June 30, 2010

Love, Freedom, Friendliness

The spring touring season in the West started in Istanbul at the end of April with a beautiful evening event in Aletya — the workshop center of my organizer, Kareemi. Turkey is a part of the world still very much unknown to me, a place of new discoveries and friendships. The fact it is the birthplace of Jalaluddin Rumi and the Sufis makes it even more intriguing.

The first week of May, I begin rehearsals in Germany with Chandira and Sudhananda for the new Moksha project. It took some days to build strength in my hands and develop fingertip callousness again, but if there was anything to be called pain, it was a sweet one. We stayed in Chandira’s flat. It is in an old castle (a real one!) from medieval times. It has no ghosts I am relieved to report, but it is a silent place good for rest and rejuvenation. My longing since a year has been to play more music and spend less time organizing and being on the Net. These days certainly nourished that desire. Everyday we fine-tuned our sound and repertoire. We took breaks for walks through the surrounding forest, nice tea-times together, and delicious dinners with all of us cooking. Sudhananda is something of a nature spirit, so we enjoyed his steamed nettles and fresh dandelion salad greens, all in season at the time; also spargel (white asparagus), another spring delicacy in Europe.

The Moksha tour began in Denmark with the RISK Spring Festival. We continued rehearsals in the daytime and enjoyed playing in the evenings for the meditation meeting where a select series of Osho discourses reflected the festival theme: “Love, Freedom and Friendliness”. One of the festival’s many highlights was our concert the last evening.

From RISK, we traveled back to Germany for a concert in the Parimal Center, nearby where Chandira lives. Our repertoire crystallized on this evening. It was also a joy to have so many dear friends in the audience like Anubuddha and Anasha.

The following days, Jaldhara joined us on keyboards for more rehearsals as we modified our repertoire for a bigger band sound and the upcoming Rainbow Spirit Festival in Baden Baden. There, we were joined by Luna (flute), Rishi (drums), and Veetkam (percussion). Peter Makena (a.k.a. from the Pune One Music Group and Sufi Dances) opened the evening. He graciously invited us on-stage for his last two songs which made a nice transition to our concert. With him, we played some of the old Pune One favorites, songs that were among my first taste of Osho bliss when I reached India in 1976. The entire evening was a joy. We even managed to persuade a local Italian restaurant to stay open late and the celebration continued.

From Baden Baden, I traveled to The Netherlands to facilitate a one-day meditation event in Wajid Center, The Hague. A special “thank you” to Srajan for supporting me in the Heart Dance. Moksha gave its last concert of the tour that same evening. The Moksha project was an opportunity to explore the acoustic and more intimate side of music. It also provided a chance to give energy to new songs and explore different ideas. It is still an experiment unfolding, a new flower. But after these weeks of touring, I can say its fragrance is certainly divine.

In Holland, I said goodbye to the band and continued on alone to Romania for a meditation training. It happened in a beautiful part of Romania called Transylvania. Everywhere was so green and I could see the snow-covered Carpathian Mountain peaks from my hotel room. The group process was deep and at the same time high-energy. Special thanks to Punita and Parimal for inviting me and organizing this smooth, successful workshop. I find it always a joy to be in an energy of transformation. It is as nourishing for me as everyone else.

The summer comes into focus. For upcoming events in Moscow and St. Petersburg, I will be joined by Vatayan (drums) and Bikram (bamboo flute) — two talented musicians from India. They will bring a new flavor to the Russian events. For the Europe tour, Teerth is coming to drum, Chandira to play bass, and we will be joined by musician-friends along the way. Please see the tour schedule page for details. One highlight this summer will be the Afroz Festival on the Island of Lesvos, Greece: a five-day event filled with creative workshops and meditations. There will be lots of live-music, theater, art, dancing, good food, and of course the beautiful beach and sea nearby. It is advertised a “holiday for everyone ” and promises to be exactly this.

I am reminded of the RISK Spring Festival theme ” Love, Freedom, Friendliness”. I would like this to also be the theme for the summer events. Let’s enjoy.

The Moksha Project featuring Sudhananda and Chandira
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Moksha Concert – Osho RISK Center, Denmark
Rainbow Spirit Festival – Baden Baden, Germany

rehearsal with Jaldhara (keyboards)


sound-check with Luna, Rishi, and Veetkam


onstage with Peter Makena


Chandira and Sudhananda

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Meditation Training — Brasov, Romania
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