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A year of possibilities lies ahead. Best wishes to all on this new adventure!
“There is a possibility of a new man, of a better man, of a natural man, of a healthier man, of a more religious man in the future… a world without wars, without nations, without religions… a world peaceful, loving… a world in search of truth, of bliss, of ecstasy.” Osho
It was a holiday highlight, a weekend in New York City to remember. Friday evening, a group of us went to listen The Mike Stern Band at the iconic NYC music club, The Iridium. The band featured Randy Brecker (trumpet), Dennis Chambers (drums), and Tom Kennedy (bass). Mike Stern’s delightful and talented wife, Leni, joined for a few numbers. After the show, we walked to Time Square, and also visited the Christmas Tree at the Rockefeller Center; not to mention the window displays at Saks 5th Avenue! It was a super night out and good start to the Full Moon Winter Festival at Padma NYC which started bright and early Saturday morning with Dynamic Meditation. The festival program was a delight from start to finish. Meera’s sushi dinner was the ultimate finale to an amazing day — and weekend!
In the series “The Great Pilgrimage From Here To Here” Osho speaks about music and silence several times. In discourse #18, I asked him specifically: “Would you please explain your statement from the other morning of how music can be next to silence?”
Osho starts out by saying softly, but very sternly and deliberate: “Milarepa, I don’t know what I said the other morning — I don’t carry unnecessarily luggage from the past. But I will explain it to you this morning, in spite of the fact that I don’t know whether I made the statement or not.”
It was a hit for me. At least, that is how I felt it. A wake-up call to open my eyes and get out of my sleepy mind. From there, Osho launches into a beautiful explanation of the relationship between music and silence that, for any musician or meditator, is a timeless resource and inspiration.
Three days later in discourse #21, Osho wrote his own question on my behalf and signed my name to it: “Beloved Osho, Am I a philosopher?” and starts out by saying: “Milarepa, philosophy is not the real thing, and to be a philosopher is just to go astray.” He then goes on for a full ninety minutes, the whole discourse, addressing this one question, essentially the difference between philosophy and philosia: a person who thinks about life and participates as an outsider looking in as opposed to a person who lives life totally, fully immersed and dissolved in it. He also speaks again about music and very beautifully. The entire discourse is too long to post, but I would like to share a part of it relevant to the photo of the band from my wild, wild country Ranch days:
“… Music consists of sound and silences. Philosophy is only so much prose, just words and words and words. The word is a secondary phenomenon. Sound is a primary phenomenon. You can listen to the music of a waterfall, you can listen to the music of wind passing through the pine trees… nothing is said, but much is understood. The wind passing through the pine trees has no words, but it has a sound. In the fall, when all the paths become full of falling leaves… have you walked in a forest? Just by your walking you create sound, because the paths are full of old leaves. Just a little breeze comes and those old leaves start dancing and moving. Existence is full of sounds, but it never speaks a single word. The birds are singing but they are only making sounds. They are not saying anything, but their songs are immensely beautiful. They touch the very core of your heart. Music is a higher system than philosophy, because music is something in between philosophy and philosia; in other words it is something between words and silence, perhaps just a midway overnight stay. If you fall back, you can become a philosopher. If you go ahead, you can become a mystic. Falling back means losing sounds and catching hold of words. Going forward means losing even sounds and just entering into silence because music consists of both the sound and silence. It is a rhythm, a dance, hand in hand between sound and silence. A musician can easily become a meditator, he is very close. There is nothing closer to meditation than music — wordless, meaningless, but tremendously significant. It says nothing but shows much, expresses nothing but brings to you a great splendor. From musician move towards the mystic. The day your music consists only of silence, you have arrived home. This will not make you sad. Music is not serious; it is playfulness, it is song, it is dance. It has an immense beauty. It can move peoples’ hearts. Entering into music, don’t remain stuck there. That’s where modern music has got stuck. It has become too much sound and it has forgotten the silences in between. You have to change the gestalt.”
I resonate with Osho when he says “music is not serious, but a playfulness” when I see this photo of our Ranch band from 1983-1984. We played in our Portland nightclub, Zorba The Buddha on weekends. We had fun, especially dressing up in the clothes Sheela and the girls bought for the commune that no one else could possibly wear. They would buy in bulk at big discount warehouses and there was always some crazy stuff thrown in we would sort through at Howdy Doody (as our clothing department at the Ranch was called) to wear onstage. We were a good band when we didn’t drink too much coffee during our set breaks which would play havoc with our grooving. I learned a lot in the year and a half music was my “work” at the Ranch. I burned through every ambition I had to be a musician in the world. I also learned to keep music fun and a joy. I will always be grateful to my band members in those years: Bodhisattva, Buddha, Deva, Gulabo, Govindas, Lalit, Premgit; and to the guys who ran sound for us and kept the house rocking between sets: Qadin, Premo, and Rajesh. Not to mention our coordinator, Garimo! One highlight for us was playing a Ranch concert during the Annual World Celebration in 1984. There were over four thousand people from all over the world rocking out with us in Buddha Hall that evening to our Buddy Holly and Rolling Stones medleys! I remember Shunyo coming up to me the next day saying they could hear the celebration all the way up to Lao Tzu House where Osho lived. She said Osho asked her, “What’s that sound?” And she said, “That’s Milarepa and the band playing.” And he said, “Are they any good?” And I seem to remember she said , “Yes, Osho. Very good.” At least I hope she did! lol
Osho finishes the discourse by saying, “With me, drink your future as deeply as possible. I am your future. When you are alone, watch quietly and silently your present. From your present, from your muddy mess, will arise a flower. Where you are today, I was exactly there yesterday, so I know what a great future you have. Where I am today, you are going to be there tomorrow — or at the most the day after tomorrow.”

Zorba The Buddha Band, Portland, Oregon 1984 (left to right: Govindas, Bodhisattva, Premgit, Gulabo, Milarepa) *photo taken in the courtyard of our Portland Hotel
I played this Ovation guitar for many years in India. The day Osho left-his-body on January 19, 1990, the top mysteriously cracked. I was close enough to the instrument to know its heart had broken. Life has many mysteries I will never understand and this is one of them. I have never since had the feeling to have it repaired. However, a few days ago out-of-the-blue I was asked by Niren, Osho’s lawyer who gifted it to me in 1987, whether I still had it. And the answer is, yes. This loving gesture from Niren I put to good use throughout the Pune ll music era. It was only fitting the instrument found its way to the Master’s hands and was blessed. It has been sitting in its case now longer than I can remember. But after my chat with Niren, I thought it might be a good time to say hello to an old friend, one who channeled so much, and give it a little TLC, some polish and a tune-up, and maybe even a few loving strums. I am reminded of a discourse question and Osho’s response:
“Milarepa, neither the music is mine nor the guitar. The music belongs to existence, and the guitar belongs to you. You are the guitar, and this whole vast universe is the music. I am at the most just a passage for the music to reach to the guitar. That’s why you don’t see my guitar because you don’t see yourself. Who are you? On whom am I playing my music? You hear my words and you also hear my silences, and naturally you feel a certain music surrounding me. That music is your response, your love, your trust. In a way I am not here. It has been a long time since I left this small house for the eternity. It is the compassion of eternity that this small house still goes on continuing to function. It is also your love, your prayers, your gratitude that helps my body-mind system to function. I don’t have any desire to be fulfilled. All is fulfilled — and when all is fulfilled a music arises.” The Great Pilgrimage From Here To Here #6
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This year’s OSHOfest 2018 was six weekend across America that also included Mexico. It was a wonderful ride from start to finish. Each event built on energy of the previous one, with the last, Atlanta, exploding in a rainbow of light and color. There were literally hundreds of photos; also lots of videos. Many I shared daily on Facebook as our travels progressed. But for this sharing, I have chosen a small sampling of ones that stood out for me personally. I will also include two video clips: one of mine that showcases the Midwest weekend in Wisconsin, the other by Prem Ambika of Dallas sharing her experiences from Atlanta. Both give a nice sense of ALL the OSHOfest events. Ambika’s video will soon appear in accompanied by an article of hers. I want to thank my wonderful, talented One Sky Band and our guest musicians along the way; also the organizers and EVERYONE for making this year such a super experience.
This amazing clip was made by Christoper Om Linnell (, one of the Osho RISK Summer Festival participants. Using his drone, he filmed the canoe trip on Day 4. It took place on one of Denmark’s rivers called The Gudena which means “God’s Stream” in Danish. The Danes cherish their nature and outdoors. They take a lot care of it in part because Denmark is a small country (population 5.8 million) and doesn’t have a lot of land to take for granted. I think when seen from this clip’s perspective you see why they value it so much — it is beautiful! To view, click here:
Such an amazing tour with my dear friends, Steven Walters and Sudhananda! Three weekends of divine music, wonderful songs, and a LOT of fun along the way. I would like to share three slideshows from the various concerts. Enjoy!
The Spring Awakening event in Brampton (Toronto) was a joy. One of the many highlights was six people taking sannyas. It was an Osho miracle, a big energy-situation. And boy, did we jump in Dynamic Meditation. Each morning was full-on with everyone participating totally. There is a wonderful Sufi word, ‘masti’, which means ‘intoxicated with the divine’. There was certainly a LOT of masti at this event. Things even worked out, in a masti kind of way, that I also got to visit Niagara Falls. I didn’t know it was so close, only an hour’s drive from Toronto. I can confirm what people say: the falls are much more beautiful viewed from the Canadian side. Many thanks to Anmol and Anandmai for hosting us in their home; also the entire Osho Toronto Team. You guys rock! There is talk now of adding Toronto to the Oshofest schedule this year. So let’s stay tuned. Hope to see you all again very soon!
If you have a little spare time, please enjoy this casual, sit-down interview I did recently with Vyoma Nupur for her critically acclaimed The Perfectly Imperfect Talk Show on Real Revolution Radio. Many thanks to her for inviting me; also to Joel Ayapana for producing. It was a lot of fun to share my journey and insights with your listeners.
My interview is #46 on this link:…/the-perfectly-imperfect-talk-show
It can also be listened here: