one sky music


March 2025
January 1, 2020

As I ready my color palette and brushes for the blank canvas in front of me titled Year 2020, I want to wish everyone all the best for the adventure that lies ahead. Transitioning today’s milestone, I am reminded of a poem by the wandering Taoist monk, Han Shan:

I climb the road to Cold Mountain, the road to Cold Mountain that never ends.
The valleys are long and strewn with stones; the streams broad and banked with thick grass.
The moss is slippery, though no rain has fallen. Pines sigh, but it is not the wind.
Who can break from the snares of the world and sit with me among the white clouds?

A thousand clouds, ten thousand streams.
Here I live, an idle man,
Roaming green peaks by day,
Back to sleep by cliffs at night.
One by one, springs and autumns go,
Free of heat and dust, my mind.
Sweet to know there’s nothing I need,
Silent as the autumn river’s flood.

November 15, 2019

It is that time of the year again when Nature reminds us an essential truth: everything has its season. I love how Osho puts it, that the idea of death does not occur to the leaves because they are too busy LIVING their autumn! It is a colorful season for sure, a celebration of letting go.

“There is beauty in the leaves of autumn. But those leaves don’t know that they are dying. Those leaves don’t know that they are decadent. Those leaves are still living. They have no fear of death. Those leaves are living their autumn! They have lived their spring, now they are living their autumn. Those leaves have lived their life, now they are living their death. And there is a great difference. When you see autumn leaves, the idea of death arises in you, not in the leaves. The leaves are uncorrupted by any idea. They are in total suchness. Spring was good, so is autumn. And life was beautiful – those green days and the winds and the clouds, they were beautiful and so are these days. The leaves are drying and becoming pale and falling to the ground – and they are enjoying because they are going back to the source. It is from where they had come in the first place. They were born out of the earth, they played in the winds, they rose high in the sky, they had their day – now they are tired, now they want to be rejuvenated, they want to fall back into the womb. They are perfectly happy. There is no hitch, no complaint, no grudge; there is no fear, no apprehension.” Osho “Walk without Feet, Fly without Wings and Think without Mind, Chapter 8″

October 28, 2019

Five amazing weekends across America that included Mexico. Such a joy every step of the way! There were many photos this year and sharings on social media. For a more in-depth look, I invite you to browse our tour diary on Many thanks to the One Sky Band which, for these events, included Prabodh, Rishi, and Tarisha along with special guests Ashik and Lee. And thank you to the organizers, their teams, and all the many heartful participants whose meditations and celebration touched the sky.

Prabodh, Rishi, Tarisha, Milarepa

August 22, 2019

OSHOfest 2019 is on the horizon. Now in its twenty-fourth year and with a super band coming, this is a once-a-year phenomenon not to be missed.


6 – 8 Virginia
venue: Seven Oaks Retreat Center (
contact: Anam and Vasanti
phone: (813) 830-1008
contact: Nirdhum
phone: (703) 946-4093

13 – 16 Ensenada, Mexico
venue: Osho Gran Kustal
contact: Amritananda
phone: +1 (760) 887-4192
contact: Kamala
phone: +52 (646) 226-7842

20 – 22 New York
venue: Abode of the Message
contact: Arpana / Padma NYC
phone: (917) 684-8255

27 – 29 Atlanta
venue: George Washington Carver Park
contact: Paritoshp & Anuradha / Osho Atlanta
phone: (678) 574-8150


4 – 6 Texas
venue: Hidden Cove Park
contact: Sangeeta (214-724-1991)

July 20, 2019

The Osho RISK Summer Festival (this year titled “Roots & Wings”) was in a word, amazing. I had a super band of musicians giving wings to the heart while a daily schedule of wonderful workshops kept roots watered and nourished. The festival reminds me of my childhood, playing in the ocean surf in the big waves tossing me here and there while I screamed in sheer delight. After seven days of festival bliss, I discovered myself washed up on the shore, the tide gone out but something forever changed inside. We were blessed to have the talented photographer, Saku Suutari ( and Om, who made the exquisite short film with his drone (

June 9, 2019

In May, I did a twenty-one days Dynamic Meditation adventure in collaboration with our New York City meditation center, Padma NYC. In addition to enjoying some of the twenty-one days at the center, I facilitated an online group of about twenty people internationally who hopped on for the ride. Committing to something like this is a challenge any way one cuts it, especially to manage it daily with one’s job and other responsibilities. But as the days progressed, the feedback from everyone was so inspiring and supporting, I think everyone quickly realized the benefits far outweighed effort involved. Interspersed among the three weeks were some wonderful dinners at Padma NYC and other treats that made the journey all the more enjoyable. The experience continued after Day 21 with many of the friends coming to Connecticut for the weekend and a two-day retreat that included one more rousing Dynamic that even the neighbors survived. The retreat included not only meditation, but was also an opportunity for the group to connect, cook together, walk in Nature, and most importantly, relax.

April 3, 2019

The Padma NYC Spring Festival Saturday felt like a fresh breeze. The day had such an easy effortless flow from Dynamic Meditation straight through Meera’s delcious and nourishing celebration dinner. It was wonderful having Lee and Geetesh in the music and Vasumati’s soft guiding presence in the afternoon session where we explored the essence of celebration and gratefulness. The celebration overflowed into Sunday as we enjoyed South Indian breakfast ala New York City with Vasumati and the Atlanta friends in attendance: Paritosh, Anuradha, and Chandra. Later in the evening, we convened again, this time with Meera and Arpana, for desserts and coffee at the iconic Italian eatery at Madison Square Park, Eataly. More laughter and fun ensued before final goodbyes were said (with hugs) before all headed off to our respective beds for a contented night’s sleep. The festival was a wonderful inner reset, a great way to say hello to the Spring. Stay tuned for further upcoming events at Padma NYC, the best place in New York City to meditate and grow.

March 18, 2019

Such an amazing two weeks: the festival, the mountains, the beautiful nature, the silence, the celebration, the wonderful people, not to mention Kathmandu… Osho! Many thanks to my wonderful One Sky Band — Prabodh, Tarisha, and Vatayan — for lifting spirits high with the music. And, a BIG thank you to Amritanand and the entire OSHOfest Nepal team for manifesting the miracle. Stay tuned for 2020!

February 11, 2019

So, this is funny. And interesting!

Yesterday, I left the house in a hurry to catch my train to New York City. I reached the platform just as the train was pulling up. Realizing I would not have time to use the ticket machine on the platform, I thought “no prob, I will just use the app on my phone”. The train doors opened and as I was reaching into my pocket for my phone I… panicked! It was not in any of my pockets! I had my wallet, and could have managed the ticket onboard paying a small penalty, but panic had already set in. I stepped back from the train, the doors closed, and my mind raced at a million TPS (thoughts-per-second). OMG, how will I survive without my PHONE? Funny enough, this was my number one concern: how would I survive. A million more thoughts raced through my brain before I centered myself, and after a deep breath, realized i was going to be FINE. I will survive! Breathing, breathing. Long story short, I reached Manhattan on the next train, phone-less, but actually strangely content not having a phone somewhere on my body to distract me.

My primary reason for visiting the city was to attend the meditation dinner evening at Padma NYC. It was the second time the center offered this and again, it was a home run. Meera and Yoko, our two chefs, knocked it out of the park with an delicious array of home-cooked Japanese cuisine. To start, we the guests sat in silence and were treated to a “sound bath” of temple gongs and bells. Simple exercises and playful awareness games shared by Arpana added to the heightened sensory experience. By the time food began coming out, everyone was so relaxed and ready to enjoy each delightful mouthful that ensued. All in all, it was a super evening made all the more intriguing without the constant urge to check my phone. Mind you, reaching home later that evening and finding my phone just where I had left it gave me the contented sleep of a baby.

According to Meera and Arpana, these meditation dinners are going to be happening twice a month with different themes and cuisines. The next will be an Indian Wedding theme: a festive, colorful and of course, tasty, five star dining experience in the great city that is New York. Check out

January 24, 2019

It was a special evening at Padma NYC in Manhattan January 19. A sold-out event, it was a different kind of dining experience than usual, an opportunity to bring awareness to one’s senses and enjoyment of food. Participants were blind-folded and asked to trust as they were led into the candle-lit room and their seats. Everyone remained in silence for the first few minutes while Arpana explained how the evening would unfold. Meera and Yoko, the two main chefs, had prepared a vegetarian Japanese feast fit for kings and queens. Highlights included kabocha squash croquettes with burdock root (kimpira) and mixed varieties of rice; Japanese pickles (tsukemono); sake-lees soup (sakekasujiru); and dessert of marinated pear with delicately-flavored sweet tofu sauce. At some point, blindfolds came off and conversation was allowed. But silence was observed every time the meditation bell was rung. It was a first-class evening with a dash of meditation and a delightful expansion of the Padma NYC’s ongoing flowering. The center’s schedule of events is updated every Monday, so be sure to check out to enjoy the meditations, groups, sessions, and special events on offer. Photos credits: Kamal.