one sky music


March 2025
March 18, 2022

These enlightened words of the recently-transitioned Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, resonate with me:

“The fact is that nothing is born, nothing dies…. It is impossible for anything to die, to become nothing. That is why meditation on death is so helpful. Meditation on death helps you to see that there is no death. There is no birth and death. There is only transformation. Nothing can be lost… The meditation on death is a very important meditation. When you meditate on death, you love life more; you cherish life more. And, we can learn many lessons. Mindfulness allows us to recognize, cherish, and treasure what is still available so that in the future we will not say, “While that person was still alive, I was not aware of his or her precious presence”. That is why it is so important to go home to the here and the now and recognize, and cherish, all the positive elements that are still available. With the practice of mindfulness, we can look deeply, and we can discover the nature of no birth and no death, and we can find out that nothing can die and nothing can be lost… “ *paraphrased from this wonderful short clip

February 1, 2022

I met a young “Milarepa” a few weeks ago. He reminded me a lot of myself at that age: handsome, full of life, enthusiastic, positive, bright, and with an eye for the girls. He asked me, “I am just starting out with Osho. Can you give me any advice?” I replied, “Meditate, meditate, meditate.”

January 1, 2022

Some inspiring words to light the way forward…

“Life is so rich and so unbelievably beautiful. If you can relax with it you have reached the path of unexcelled liberation, you have reached to the very ultimate beyond which nobody has ever gone. And it is so simple: all that you need is to learn the art of acceptance, suchness, and the faith will arise out of it. With the faith arising, all the doors of existence are opened to you, inviting to you. The religious people of the world have destroyed the real and the essential meaning of religion. Creating rituals, prayers, statues, churches, synagogues, they have misled the whole of humanity. Nothing of that is needed; it is all junk. All that is needed is a small flame of love toward all, without any conditions, without any expectations – and whatever life brings, to accept it with gratitude.” Osho, Ta Hui, The Great Zen Master #29

October 29, 2021
A time of long walks, retrospection, a deeper dive inside, step by step on the eternal quest to
know myself.
September 10, 2021

If you follow the link below, it will take you to the oneskymusic homepage where you can download the audio clips from the last Satsang. Inside the file, you will find three high-quality mp3s: the dance stage, the music-silence stage with three drumbeats, and the song from sannyas celebration. Be sure to check your spam folder if you don’t see the download link. It is a free sharing, but please consider a contribution of support. You’ll see the “Contribute” button in the top right margin of the page or use one of these convenient platforms: Paypal (, Zelle (; Enjoy the music and let me know if you have any issues downloading.

July 27, 2021

Satsang: No Goal But The Path

It has been a joy collaborating with the musicians for the recent Satsang that streamed via Zoom internationally, July 23-25, 2021. They have been so generous with their time and talents, supporting this project every step of the way. For more details about them, please visit their homepages below. Satsang is a free sharing, but please consider a gesture of support for the music. Contribute using one these convenient platforms: Paypal (, Zelle (; or the Contribute button on this homepage ( Thank you!

Atmo – trumpet (

Chandira – vocals (

Chintan – bass, tablas (no homepage)

Dhwani – copper tin whistle (

Nadama – keyboards (

Nandin – flute (

Milarepa – guitar, vocals (

Raj Rishi – drums, percussion (

Rishi – drums, percussion (

Sudhananda – guitar, vocals (

The music clips can be viewed at or Youtube:

Stage 1:

Sannyas Celebration:

May 31, 2021

This is the third music-silence meditation in this series. It has a slightly longer format than the previous two: thirty minutes instead of ten. Are you up for the challenge?

At the beginning, before the bell, I have added some words from Osho on listening. There are also some words from him after the ending bell, so be sure to stay alert for a few more minutes!

The technique is simple. Simply listen to the music with awareness and when the silent gaps come, relax into them and watch your inner landscape. See if you can resist the temptation to stop your thoughts! This is akin to swimming upstream against a current. Let go. Use this opportunity to practice watching them. See if you can let your Mind do its thing while simultaneously relaxing deeper in the gaps. At the end of the meditation, you are welcome to share your experience in the comments section below the post.

This mini-series has allowed me to revisit some of the wonderful music from the previous year’s Satsangs. The musicians on this particular session are Milind (bansuri), Chintan (tablas), and Milarepa (guitar). This will be my last sharing in this shortened format as I will be focusing on preparations for the next Satsang. But Maneesha James is going to be picking up the thread and sharing them on a weekly basis at:

This is a free sharing, but consider supporting the music with a contribution using one these convenient platforms: Paypal (, Zelle (; or the “Contribute” button on the homepage, Thank you.

* Osho’s words from the discourse series “YAA-HOO! The Mystic Rose #28”

May 27, 2021

This is a little experiment if you are up for it. It is an invitation to take a ten minute break from whatever you are doing in this moment and participate in a ten minute meditation “challenge”. It goes like this: Start the video from the beginning (be sure your sound is on). When you hear the bell, close your eyes. Be a listener to the music as it plays. And when the gaps come, relax into silence. See if you can resist the temptation to stop the Mind. In meditation, this is akin to swimming upstream in a strong river current. The best option, and what this exercise teaches, is to let go, watch, and observe the Mind. Of course, it might seem overwhelming at first, the rush and chaos of thoughts. But one of the great, liberating insights in meditation is realizing that we are NOT the insanity that goes on in our minds. There will be three sections of music each followed by a gap of silence. The end of the meditation is signaled by three drum beats.

The musicians are: Chintan (tablas), Dhwani (copper tin whistle), and Rishi (percussion). 

This is a free sharing, but consider supporting the music with a contribution using one these convenient platforms: Paypal (, Zelle (; or the “Contribute” button on the homepage, Thank you.

May 26, 2021

Here is another an invitation to hit the pause button on busy daily life and be nourished by the deep well-spring of inner silence. At the bell (be sure to start the clip from the beginning), close your eyes and be a listener to the music. When the gap comes, relax into it. Watch the inner landscape. At first, you may notice a rush hour of thoughts but don’t be alarmed. It is perfectly natural. It is the business of the Mind is to be busy! Just continue to watch and relax. The meditation continues in this way — music, silence, music, silence, music, silence — ending with a bell. The whole process takes about thirteen minutes from start to finish. Enjoy! 

The musicians are: Chintan (tablas), Dhwani (copper tin whistle), and Rishi (percussion).

This is a free sharing, but consider supporting the music with a contribution using one these convenient platforms: Paypal (, Zelle (; or the “Contribute” button on the homepage, Thank you.

May 17, 2021

It has been a joy collaborating with the musicians for the recent Satsang. They have been so generous with their time and talents, supporting this project every step of the way. For more details about them, please visit their homepages below. Although Satsang is a free sharing, please consider a gesture of support for the music. Contribute using one these convenient platforms: Paypal (, Zelle (; or the “Contribute” button on this homepage ( Thank you!

Atmo – trumpet (

Chandira – vocals (

Chintan – tablas (no homepage)

Dhwani – copper tin whistle (

Nadama – keyboards (

Nandin – flute (

Milarepa – guitar, vocals (

Prabodh – bass (no homepage)

Rishi – drums (

Sudhananda – guitar, vocals (

The music clips can be viewed at or Youtube: