one sky music


March 2025
September 19, 2023

Give this powerful shamanic meditation a try. It is available here as a free download for one month only. It can be enjoyed any time of day. The exercises for the seven chakras will dissolve energy blocks and harmonize the centers. The booklet describing the stages is included in the download. Enjoy!

May 1, 2023

Falling in love
Like the rain outside my window
Wondering when I’ll see you again

I’m missing the sunshine
But there’s nothing I can do except
Wish for a rainbow and you

Falling in love
I’m a bee and you’re my flower
Drunk on the nectar of your heart

Been missing the sunshine
But there’s nothing I can do except
Wish for a rainbow and you

There’s a strong wind blowing through the trees
See how it dances in the leaves
I wait for the sun to come and dry my tears
And wish for a rainbow and you

Here comes the rain again
Making music on my rooftop
I’m wondering when I’ll see you again

Missing the sunshine
But there’s nothing I can do except
Wish for a rainbow and you

Track #7 from the album Daydreams.

Free download:


The full album can be purchased via the Shop (browse “Celebration”).

March 18, 2023

Standing at the crossroads of my life again
With both hands empty wondering who I am
The highway is calling and I hear that sound
The wheels in my head keep spinning round and round

Grooving in the moment but I’m a little out of time
Staring at the words can’t get nothing to rhyme
It’s a razor’s edge in the here-and-now, that’s why
I’m running like crazy for the higher ground

No guarantee I’ll make it but I’m gonna take a risk
Trust myself and carry on even if I miss
Lessons in life come easy when you know
The secret inside is just letting go

It isn’t always easy, sometimes you get the blues
And you can’t see the forest for the trees
Just when you think you’ve lost it all
And feel your back against the wall
That’s when you’ll hear the river’s call

Can’t push the river
Gotta go with the flow
Easy is the right way
Gonna let myself go

Track #1 from the album Daydreams.

Free download:


Full album can be purchased via the shop. Browse “Celebration”.

March 13, 2023

I’m making a fresh start, a new beginning
Jumping in at the deep end, throwing reason to the wind
You know I got a feeling I’ve been here before
Standing at the threshold knocking at love’s door

It’s a funny kind of math, you can’t learn it from a book
Open up your eyes and look, see it happening everywhere
It’s a thing called love, been going on for centuries
You can hear its song in the birds and the bees

They don’t teach it in school and it don’t follow no rules
But they say it always finds a way and I believe that’s true
Because love is a rainbow, a bridge between two hearts
And love is the pain we feel when we’re apart

The same heart beats in you that beats in me
We both want love and we want to be free
At the end of the day when its all been said and done
I know in this heart-of-hearts you are the one

One plus one always equals one when you’re in love

Track #5 from the album Daydreams.

Free download:


Full album can be purchased via the shop. Browse “Celebration”.

January 28, 2023

I am a song waiting to be sung
I am a dance waiting for the drum
I am a melody on a hollow flute
A silent harmony at the feet of Truth

I am a rolling stone on the highway of life
I am a restless heart reaching for the light
I am an arrow true flying to its mark
I am a shooting star falling through the dark

I am an empty page waiting for some words to grace
I am an ancient soul searching for a face
I am a poet’s pen longing for a muse
I am a fool for love with nothing left to lose

Running free on the road to nowhere
Running free
Running free on the road to nowhere
Running free

Stardust in my eyes
Music of the spheres
I was born to live and I live to die
I embrace the sky
Now every day is a good day

Track #3 from the album Daydreams.

Free download:


Full album can be purchased via the shop. Browse “Celebration”.

January 1, 2023

Kansan says:

I climb the road to Cold Mountain,
The road to Cold Mountain that never ends.
The valleys are long and strewn with stones;
The streams broad and banked with thick grass.
The moss is slippery though no rain has fallen.
Pines sigh, but it is not the wind
Who can break from the snares of the world,
And sit with me among the white clouds?

December 24, 2022

Lifetimes we have wandered far
Let’s not forget who we are
Child of Immortality
It’s our birthright to be free

Let us lift our voices high
Open up our mind and eyes
With our song embrace the sky
A New Man we can realize

Politicians play their games
Their wars our children die in vain
When does all the madness stop
We cannot seem to stop the clock

Businessmen their profits reap
While the planet hangs its head and weeps
Marching blindly to their fate
I pray to god it’s not too late

Mother Earth, it’s hard to bear
So much pain and suffering
Man it seems has lost his way
No hope for a better day

Brother take your sister’s hand
Together we must make a stand
Put aside our differences
Because love is all there is

Love is the answer
The song in every heart that beats
Love is the answer
The key to our humanity

Track #6 from the album Daydreams.
Free download:

Full album can be purchased via the shop. Browse “Celebration”.
Painting by Siddhena.

September 29, 2022

I answered a call from deep inside
A promise made in another life
I packed my bags not knowing why
And I crossed the mountains east to the other side

I traveled far and I traveled wide
Through the dark night with the stars my only light
I heard it said somewhere along my way
That the journey ends where it all begins

I search my soul for something more to say
No sign around of yesterday
Words like dry leaves fall away
Feel like I’ve lived my life in a single day

I die to the past and I have to laugh
Why the best things in life never seem to last
All we can do is help each other see
And the truth will set us free

Carry me, river of grace
From the mountains to the sea
Carry me, river of grace
Baptise me in love and devotion

World keeps turning and the towers are burning
The road goes on forever
The song I have inside me goes stronger
With each passing year

Enjoy a free download of the song, ‘River of Grace’ (track #4 from the album “Daydreams”).

The full album can be purchased via the shop (browse ‘Celebration’).

September 15, 2022

A Zen initiate was meditating for years. And whenever he would come to his master, whatsoever experience he would bring, the master would reject it saying, “This is all nonsense. You go back and meditate again.” 

One day the master came to the hut of the disciple. He was sitting in a perfect buddha posture. The master shook him and said, “What are you doing here? If we need stone buddhas here, we have many in the temple. Just by sitting like a stone buddha, you will not attain meditation. Just by stilling the body, your mind is not going to disappear because it is through the mind you are enforcing a certain discipline on the body. And anything done by the mind is only going to strengthen the mind. It will be nourishment for the mind.” 

A year passed and the master came again. He found the disciple sitting under a tree. He was almost in a kind of euphoria: enjoying the morning breeze, and the sun, with closed eyes, thinking that he is meditating. The master picked up a brick and started rubbing it on the stone in front of the disciple. It made such a disturbance! At some point, the disciple could stand it no longer. He opened his eyes and shouted, “What are you doing? Are you trying to drive me crazy?” 

The master said, “I am trying to make a mirror out of this brick. I think if I go on rubbing it enough it will become a mirror.” 

The disciple laughed. “I have always suspected you are a little mad. Now it is proved! A brick can never become a mirror. You can go on rubbing it on a stone for lives together, but the brick is going to remain a brick.” 

The master said, “This shows some intelligence. Then what are you doing? For years you have been trying to make meditation out of the mind. It is just like me trying to make a mirror out of this brick.” 

Suddenly the master threw the brick into a pond just by the side of the disciple. It made a great splash, and the very sound of it was enough to do the miracle. Something awakened in the disciple – a sleep was broken, a dream was shattered. He became alert. And for the first time, he tasted something of meditation. 

The master immediately said, “This is it.”

Enjoy a free download of the song, ‘Stone Buddhas’, from the album, “Daydreams”.

The full album can be purchased via the shop (browse ‘Celebration’).

June 3, 2022

Up in the blue sky
Can’t seem to find my mind today
Up in the blue sky
Nothing much to do or say

Up in the blue sky
A million miles from anywhere
Up in the blue sky
Not a worry in the world or care

I dreamed I was a butterfly
I woke up wondering who am I
Should I laugh or should I cry?
Or just fly away

Up in the blue sky
Nowhere else I’d rather be
Up in the blue sky
Clear as far as I can see

I search the mirror for a face
But the man I was has left no trace
I watch the clouds come and go
I don’t know anymore

Up in the blue sky
Endless love surrounding me
Up in the blue sky
No boundaries of you and me

Enjoy a free download of the song, ‘Blue Sky’, from the album, “Daydreams”. The full album can be purchased via the shop (browse ‘Celebration’).