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Taiwan & Japan Spring Tour
Since almost two months, I have been traveling in Taiwan and Japan. The new meditation series was well-received and every event was a delight. I am especially happy with the new 45-minute format which I think suits meditation in the 21st century marketplace. People also enjoyed the Yin Yang Dance Meditation. I experienced it differently everytime I did it. For the most part, I found the first stage (hara breathing) and second stage (dancing the negative principle) were the most easy for me. I seemed to have the most difficulty with the third stage, dancing the positive principle, for some reason. It seemed to require more inward searching to access this space in myself, but by the last event I was able to find it more easily, dancing my inner-child from a space of wonder, celebrating my light.
Unfortunatly, my camera broke in Taiwan near the start of the tour, so I wasn’t able to take my own photos. However, especially in Japan, many people took photos at the events and I was able to compile them.
At the time of this typing I am passing through the USA for just six days. The europe tour and summer projects come into focus now, more stepping stones along the way.
Stepping Stones
I am happy to announce a new meditation series called Stepping Stones. I have just finished work on the Yin Yang Dance Meditation, third in the series which also includes Chakra Healing and Circle of Love completed last year. I will be sharing the Yin Yang for the first time in Taiwan and Japan this coming March and April.
All the meditations in this series are in a forty-five minute format: thirty minutes technique and fifteen minutes silence. They are designed for those of us who like to meditate on a more regular basis, perhaps during the work-week, but have only limited time available. The meditations are short, yet powerful and effective, and can be useful in the morning, for example, before going to work or starting one’s daily routine.
The Yin Yang Dance Meditation starts with three minutes of hara breathing, followed by two high-energy dance stages.
The music is great for dancing, the meditation fun and I am excited to be sharing it at this year’s events.
Meanwhile, I celebrated my birthday in Virginia on the twenty-third which makes me a Pisces. And while my inner woman advises me not to reveal my age, suffice it to say I’m an Old Fish. My brother, Isa, visited me from New York City during this time.
On February 20, there was a total eclipse of the full moon and snow. Magic!
My upcoming Far East tour starts in Taiwan, March 7, and will continue on in Japan through April.
Looking ahead to the summer months, the Europe tour will again include a wonderful band of musicians. Treat yourself to one of the events and come enjoy with us. Click the tour schedule for details.
A Bridge in Time
Rather than draw a line where one year stops and the next begins, I present this update as a bridge, a bridge of time, connecting a series of events that started last October and continue into the New Year. Truth is: There are no full stops in existence, only semi-colons.
At the beginning of October after the last USA events, I took a break from everything. After being continuously on the move for more than two years, I felt a need to take some space for myself and from the many responsibilities the tours and projects demand. Experience has taught me that for my creativity to stay fresh, I sometimes need to do this. During this time, even my guitar sat like a neglected lover in the corner, (although I am happy to report we re-discovered each other again just before New Years). I enjoyed the divine luxury of sleeping in my own bed, unpacking my suitcase and properly hanging up my clothes; also taking long walks in the countryside and wonderful nature that surrounds the little house-in-the-woods in Virginia where I occasionally stay. I completely let go the reins of my life and the weeks went by. Slowly, I began to unwind and relax until one day realizing I was fresh again, renewed, and ready to look ahead to the next steps.
In the middle of December, I traveled to Zurich, Switzerland to tidy up some old projects in the studio, while at the same time began working on a new dance meditation which I hope to have ready for the spring when the tours start again.
From there, I traveled to Osho RISK in Denmark where I played for a winter festival and welcomed in the New Year in a nourishing atmosphere of love, friendship, meditation, music, and some very good food.
On January 4, I traveled back to America and started in immediately on a different kind of project: the very basic work of locating a broken water pipe outside my house. It’s a different kind of work one might expect of a musician, but one I have been enjoying nontheless. It brings up memories of wonderful days on the pipe crew at Rajneeshpuram. I wish I had the backhoe I used to drive at my disposal now, but I am amazed how much one can accomplish with a simple shovel and pick. Plus, I like the exercise.
I enjoy the seasons and watching them change. We had an exceptionally long and colorful autumn in Virginia this year that stretched out over two months. I notice the seasons can be a mirror for changes happening within myself. Just as my travels came to a peak in September and October, so did nature also peak, splashing the forest with myriad shades of color. Then the season changed. Just as I was shedding all that was old in me, so did the trees let go and dropped their old leaves. It was as if everything – both inside and out – was finally coming to a place of rest.
I take my present lesson from the bare trees of winter outside my window as I write these words, trusting like them one day the spring will come, bringing with it new flowers, fresh leaves, and a sense of renewal.
On this note, I wish you Happy New Year!
Reflections of Autumn
Sound Development Studio – Zurich, Switzerland
Osho Risk Center – Denmark
Here and Now
Alchemy of Celebration
I was speaking with Aneesha after the New York event. She was searching for a word to describe the experience, then paused. Suddenly she exclaimed, “Alchemical!” I nodded yes, knowing deep inside it was exactly the right word. Truth is, it is always difficult to say exactly what does go on at the events. Usually what happens when people ask, I end up shrugging my shoulders. I don’t know how to put it precisely into words. It is such a mystery andso much bigger than me. But at least I have a new word for it now – alchemical!
Alchemy. The ancient longing of science to change baser metal into gold. In the context of meditation, one could say: the science of changing darkness into light, unconsciouness into consciousness; changing basic life-energy into something higher, purer, more refined; from our small individuality to the universal, the oceanic; coming home to that ephemeral something inside each one of us that is always here-now; realising what we already know to be the case, but have a tendency to forget. Perhaps it is this same longing the dewdrop has for the ocean, or as Kabir would say, the ocean has for the dewdrop.
So it is a kind of alchemy that happens when a group of people from all walks of life, races, and nationalities assembles on a Friday evening in Upstate New York and Wisconsin on two consecutive weekends in late September and begins to dance, sing, and meditate together. Faces soften, worry lines disappear from foreheads; the volume level of conversation increases in the diningroom at mealtimes as hearts open and love starts flowing. Laughter is suddenly noticed coming from every nook and corner; eyes are seen shining with strangely mysterious light. And a distinct, tangible silence pervades the atmosphere, a silence that hangs almost heavy in the air, becoming deeper, stronger, with each new meditation, each new peak of celebration. In no time at all, it seems alchemy, the magic, is happening. One cannot avoid seeing it, feeling it, experiencing it.
I have heard Osho say religion is the ultimate alchemy because it is the effort to give birth to yourself, to be reborn through meditation, through awareness. I experience the events as such: like a womb where we give alot of energy and nourishment to ourselves inside – with the meditations, the celebration, music, the dancing and songs, laughter, sweat, tears, not to mention love. And in the short space of a few days, a miracle happens: We give birth to ourselves. Then, in a flash, time inevitably is upon us to separate and say goodbye. But not from a space of sadness, but of absolute joy, overflow, renewed, rejuvenated from the inside-out, ready to move on, back into the world and our daily lives with new eyes and a fresh perspective, deeply grateful for having remembered once again something so priceless, so very precious: the knowing to our very bones who we are. And if this isn’t alchemical, I don’t know what is.
New York Event
Chicago Event
Opening To The Mystery
A day, even a single moment, on the Island of Bimini, The Bahamas can be an eternity. I cannot imagine a more ideal venue for meditation, healing, celebration, and supportive fellowship with others. If you missed this magical week this time around, no worries. Mark your calendar for next year September 21-27, 2008 and contact I guarantee it will be the experience of a lifetime. If you need more convincing, just scroll through the beautiful photos of this year’s group.Rainbow Spirit Summer Tour – Europe and Russia
It has been a busy time since end of May: many adventures, many kilometers, lots of beautiful events and people, celebrations, laughter … and great music! The band played at the highest level this summer. I am grateful to all the musicians and my organizers – to everything and everyone along the way – who helped make this tour a wonderful reality.
Parimal Concert – Germany
Zurich Summer Festival – Switzerland
Angsbaka No Mind Festival – Sweden
Copenhagen and Osho RISK Summer Festival – Denmark
The Humaniversity – The Netherlands
Manjusha Summer Festival – Dresden
St. Petersburg – Russia
Milarepa | Chandira |
Palash | Rishi |
Swagato |
My recent adventures in Japan and Taiwan could fill a book. However, time is of the essence. I will leave this task to the photos. Perhaps photos are a better choice anyway, as words can be a little poor when it comes to giving expression to something great. And this trip was certainly a great one, so let’s enjoy the story these pictures have to tell. Many thanks to my organizers and all those who took care that my visit was a success. Every event was sheer delight. I learned so many new things along the way this time. And am also happy with the response to the new meditations: Chakra Healing and Circle of Love. I am in Virginia at the time of this writing, passing through briefly on my way to Europe for the summer tours.
On The Road – Again!
Spring is a special season anywhere in the world: a time when life awakes and starts to move again. After the long winter months, as the earth warms up and the last snow melts away (although there wasn’t much snow this year, at least in Europe), it is a great feeling to finally shed one’s winter wardrobe.
March began for me and the musicians with a meditation weekend in Miasto.
It is always nice to be in Tuscany for any reason and the event was especially beautiful this year. I was joined by Rishi, Chandira, Harshil, and Palash. Great band!
After a long travel from Italy to Denmark by car, I flew to Japan via the States. I was in America just long enough to say hello to my mom and watch an espisode of her favorite TV show with her. Jeopardy!
I arrived to Tokyo in the late afternoon March 21 and rushed straight to the event: an Enlightenment Day Celebration in the heart of the city. How I managed with all my luggage to navigate the trains, subways, long walks, and those unforgiving granite steps in the underground stations is still a mystery, but I made it. A little late, yes, but I made it. When I arrived to the hall, it was totally silent outside the doors. In fact, I thought the event had already finished and the participants had gone home. To my surprise when I peeked in, everyone had just done an ‘osho!’ and had their arms raised in ecstatic silence. One person heard the door sqweek, looked around and spotted me, and the celebration was on. Wow – so beautiful to see all those lovely smiling faces, full of joy and welcome! Many thanks to Anupa for organizing and to my Banana Band friends for inviting me to play with them.
The very next morning I flew to Kyushu, one of the four main islands of Japan. Kyushu is the southern-most. Spring was just starting there and the cherry blossoms were everywhere. We had several beautiful events during the week – and a LOT of fun!
From Kyushu, I traveled to Shikoku, another of the four main islands of Japan. Shikoku is the eastern-most. Here in the city of Kochi, the event was a great mixing of young and old people, sannyasin and non- . It was such a delight to share meditation and celebration together. At some point during the event, something just seemed to click and love overflowed.
I write this update from the main island of Honshu, where I will be doing the rest of the events. I enjoy sharing the new meditations – ‘Chakra Healing’ and ‘Circle of Love’. I love the way they create a momentum of inner energy that easily flows into celebration, and the live-music simply makes it fun and joyous.
At the end of April, I move onto Taiwan to complete this current Far East tour. Then, in middle of May, I return to America to prepare for Europe as the summer tour comes into focus. You can check my web schedule for updates. When the band is on the road, our events are an opportunty to dance, sing, open and refresh the heart with meditation and celebration. Everyone is welcome to join our caravansarai wherever, whenever, possible. And don’t forget the Bahamas event in September. Aneesha will be co-facilitating with me this year. It is always a magical week in paradise, in the tropical ambience of Bimini Island, where we’ll enjoy the relaxing, warm, crystal-clear sea and swimming with the beautiful dolphins.
Some of the photos will have to wait for the May update, but this selection will give a taste of the recent travels and events.
I started a new year traveling from Denmark (Osho RISK) to Switzerland, Holland and Germany to finish production of the new meditation cds – ‘Chakra Healing’ and ‘Circle of Love’. Everything is in the factory this month and should be ready soon. The music and covers all turned out beautiful. At the end of January, I traveled back to Osho RISK in Denmark and participated in a three-day Vipassana Intensive. Many thanks to Nana and Devadas for making possible this ‘back-to-essentials’ group. I feel refreshed and energized for my touring season, which starts February 9 in Scandanavia and The Baltics.
This month’s update I would like to dedicate to the Osho RISK Center and its Buddhafield. RISK is one of those rare places in the world, a place where people go about their daily lives, but come together often for meditation, fellowship, love, and celebration. It is a garden where people grow and flower in a caring, supportive atmosphere. The soft, feminine countryside surrounding the center lends support to the silence and sense of mystery that abides here.
The New Year brings a strong momentum to keep moving forward creatively. I will focus on finishing the new Chakra Healing and Circle of Love meditation cds in January. The theme for this year’s tour reflects the multi-dimensionality of who we are: rainbow buddhas. One cannot help feeling concerned about events unfolding around the world. Meditation and love are essential in these times. However, I understand transformation must start with the individual. Walt Whitman’s timeless words “I celebrate myself” could never be more relevant.