Signs of Spring
When one comes across the jewel of oneself, it is truly something to celebrate. In fact it can be said, the whole Existence celebrates. Thirty-eight years ago, March 28th, I stumbled across just such a jewel while traveling through India, a diamond called Osho. I think of it as a divine accident. It is a precious discovery that hasn’t stopped since, one that just goes on and on, and one that has made me richer in ways i could not possibly imagine at the time. Recently, I celebrated this miraculous, and somewhat mysterious, phenomenon with a series of events in New York City and Atlanta. I celebrated not just the miracle of being myself but that of Osho’s and the countless others he goes on inspiring to wake up. I can imagine no better way to say hello to the Spring, the inner and outer awakening of Nature, than with a few songs and wild, crazy dances — not to mention a slice of yummy cake.