one sky music


March 2025
December 31, 2020

After a year like 2020, with all its ups and downs and all arounds, I am sure all of us can use “a right gude-willie waught” about now. In fact, I can’t imagine a better song to sing at this moment, to celebrate this arbitrary milestone in time while saying goodbye to “auld lang syne”. This tune has its roots in Scotland, where I also have, so I don’t think my ancestors will mind the few liberties I took with the lyrics. The poem is generally attributed to the Scottish poet, Robert Burns and popularized here in North America by the famous Canadian big band leader, Guy Lombardo, who played it every year for twenty years at the end of his New Year’s special. But enough music history. The clock is ticking! Before stepping over the threshold, I want to briefly look back and acknowledge the many of you who supported the satsangs this year. It was a great project in so many ways, one that kept me connected with myself and others in meditation — and kept me in halfway, decent musical shape! Now, without further adieu, I wish all of you a very Happy New Year 2021!

Auld Lang Syne by Robert Burns (with a few tweaks by me)

Should old acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot
And old lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my friends
For auld lang syne
We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet
For auld lang syne

O’re meadows green, we’ve walked these hills
And picked the daisies fine
We’ve wandered many wondrous miles
In days of auld lang syne

We’ve paddled, you and I, this stream
From morning sun till dine
The seas between us broad have roared
Since days of auld lang syne

Here take this hand, my loving friends,
And give me your hands, too
Let’s tak’ a right gude-willie waught
For auld lang syne

Let’s lift a glass to life and love
And laughter n’re forget
And toast the moment, here and now
And the days of Auld Lang Syne

December 30, 2020

There is not a day I don’t feel lucky to have Osho’s archive available. I am grateful to all those who worked on the project and had the means to manifest it. It is a blessing without compare to receive Osho directly from the source. These words of Osho have been resonating with me recently. They are a good reminder. 

“… my preference is for direct grace. Don’t bother about a medium. If at some time it is necessary in the course of one’s life, a glimpse can come through a medium also. But the seeker should not worry or be anxious about this. Don’t go begging. Because as I said, then the giver is bound to turn up. Then the more dense the medium, the more adulterated will be the effect. The giver should be such that he is not conscious of giving. Then shaktipat can be pure. Even then it is not grace. You will still need to receive grace directly without a medium. There should be no one between you and the whole. There should be no one between existence and you. And this should always be in your mind. This should be your longing. And this should be your search. Many happenings will take place on the way, but you are not to stop anywhere. That is all that is required of you. And you will feel the difference.”

December 12, 2020

Cedars of Lebanon 
by Milarepa

I started out looking for myself
Down many paths my travels have led
Somewhere along the way I became
The very thing I was searching for

High are the mountains in the morning sun
I move to the rhythm of a different drum
Around every corner the new moment brings
A light to my journey within

Stand tall like the Cedars of Lebanon
See how they reach for the stars
Stand tall like the Cedars of Lebanon
May your aim be straight and true

The recent Satsang version of this song can be streamed here: It features Chandira (vocals), Nandin (flutes), Sudhananda (guitar, vocals), and Milarepa (guitar, vocals). Video editing by Sudhananda. It was originally recorded for the album, “Invisible Worlds” available at

To support One Sky Music, contribute using this convenient link: Your support is sincerely appreciated and received with gratitude.

For information about Chandira, visit

For information about Sudhananda, visit

For information about Milarepa & One Sky Music, visit

December 11, 2020

“Nature does not allow two persons to be the same. Nature is not an assembly line where cars are produced, so you can see hundreds and thousands of Fords coming off the assembly line; the same, exactly the same. Nature is very creative, very innovative. It always creates a new man. It has created millions and millions of people, but never two people the same. You cannot even find two leaves on a tree exactly the same, or two pebbles on the seashore exactly the same. Each has his own individuality.

“I don’t have a teaching. But whatever I have experienced is a living phenomenon I share with you – not words, not theories, not hypotheses. I can give you as much closeness as you need. Just as when you bring an unlit candle close to a candle which is burning there is a point where suddenly the fire jumps from the lit candle to the unlit candle. The lit candle loses nothing, and there has not been a transfer of any teaching, but a transfer of fire.

“I would like to say that I don’t have any teaching, but I have great fire in my heart, and whoever comes close to me becomes aflame. These people here are not my followers. They are just friends who are sharing in an experience which can burn all that is false in them, and can purify that which is their essential individuality, their authentic potential. This is an alchemical school, a school of mystery. I am not a teacher, I don’t have any ideas, concepts. But I have a life to share, I have a love to share, and to those who are ready, I am ready to give all that I have. And in no way will they be enslaved. The closer they come to me, the more they understand me, the more they will be themselves. That is the miracle.” Osho

October 1, 2020

This song medley was streamed at the end of Satsang at Padma NYC Meditation Center in New York City, September 27, 2020. It was part of a celebration for new sannyasin, Prem Vidheya. It features two of the most-loved songs from the World of Osho, “Home Is Where the Heart Is” and “The Time Is Right” written by Narayani who is singing here. It also features musicians Nandin on silver flute, Sudhananda on vocals and guitar, and Milarepa also on vocals and guitar. To view the video, visit the One Sky Music Youtube channel: Video editing editing by Sudhananda. 

The original recordings of these songs can be listened on the cd, “Songs of Awakening”, available here:

For those wishing to support One Sky Music and the Satsang sharings, use this link to contribute: All contributions are sincerely appreciated and received with gratitude.

Free download of video soundtrack here: 


For more information about Nandin, visit

For more information about Narayani, visit

For more information about Sudhananda, visit


September 30, 2020

This meditation was streamed on Zoom from Padma NYC, Sunday, September 27, 2020. It features musicians: Ashik (violin), Chandira (keyboard), Chintan (tablas), Harida (santoor), Milind (bansuri), Prabodh (bass), Rishi (drums, percussion, bass), and Milarepa (guitar). The instructions are as follows:

1. The meditation is one hour long.

2. It is done with eyes closed.

3. The sequence of stages is:

* Bell to start

* Silence

* Music

* Silence

* Osho Quote in Hindi

* Silence

* Bell and Humming —for this section, everyone is invited to participate and hum together. It is very simple, ancient Tibetan technique. With mouth closed and teeth together, simply hum. Be aware of the subtle vibrations this gives to your face and head.

* Silence

* Osho Quote in English

* Music

* Silence

* Three bells at end

This is a free sharing, but please consider a contribution of support (see the “Donate” button on the top right margin of this page). Thank you. Enjoy!

September 7, 2020

This meditation was streamed on Zoom, Sunday, August 30, 2020. It features musicians: Nandin (flutes), Milind (bansuri), Rishi (drums, percussion, bass), Sidhamo (keyboards), and Milarepa (guitar). The instructions are as follows:

1. The meditation is one hour long.
2. It is done with eyes closed.
3. The sequence of stages is:
* Bell to start
* Silence
* Music
* Silence
* Osho Quote in Hindi
* Silence
* Bell and Humming —for this section, everyone is invited to participate and hum together. It is very simple, ancient Tibetan technique. With mouth closed and teeth together, simply hum. Be aware of the subtle vibrations this gives to your face and head.
* Silence
* Osho Quote in English
* Music
* Silence
* Three bells at end

Although this is a free sharing, please consider a contribution to support the music (see donate button on the top right margin of this page). Thank you. Enjoy!

September 7, 2020

This song medley featured in the celebration part of Satsang, number five in a series that began streaming May, 2020. It includes two songs: “Through The Eyes of Love” written by Maneesha and Milarepa, and “Just Say Yes”, the wonderful perennial classic of Sudhananda’s. Nandin plays alto and soprano flute. Although this is a free sharing, please consider a contribution to support the music (see donate button on the top right margin of this page). Thank you. Enjoy!


“Real religion, authentic religion, is concerned with your love, with your trust, with your joy. And when you see through the eyes of love, a small flower becomes so mysterious, the faraway song of a cuckoo becomes far more holy than any scripture. You love me; that’s why my smallest gesture makes an immense impact on you. It is not the gesture, it is your love. There may be somebody else sitting by your side to whom the gesture means nothing, just a movement of the hand. If his heart is not full of love, then just the movement of the hand is meaningless; if his heart is full of love, the hand, its grace, can be indicative of greater mysteries and secrets of life. This is one of the mysteries of life, that life is how you see it. It depends on your eyes. If you have the eyes of a poet the same trees are greener, livelier; they have a message, they whisper things into the ears of the poet. But if you are not a poet you pass by the same trees without even noticing them. All depends on you. Your whole life experience goes on growing with your growing consciousness. As your consciousness becomes more and more juicy, life becomes more and more divine. Because you love me, my words have a meaning to you which they will not have without your loving heart. Your love contributes ninety percent, at least, to the meaning of my words or my gestures. The day you are capable of contributing one hundred percent, then my gesture becomes your gesture, then my word becomes your word, then my heartbeat becomes your heartbeat. That state I call the state of the devotee: a merger, a melting of two souls into one.” Osho, The Golden Future #19

August 2, 2020

This song was written song by my dear Danish friend, Bindu, who left his body last year. We sang it the first time together in Buddha Hall for Osho’s discourse at the Osho Commune, Pune, India sometime in 1988. It went on to become one of the sannyas “classics” i.e. very loved. This version was featured at the end of Morning Satsang lV streamed on Zoom, July 26, 2020. It features Nandin (silver flute), Sudhananda (vocals and guitar), and Milarepa (vocals and guitar). Although this is a free sharing, please consider a contribution to support the music (donate button in the top right margin of this page). Thank you.


“Buddha is the very nature of existence. From the smallest grassleaf to the biggest star, everything is intrinsically, potentially, a buddha. Some buddhas are asleep, there is no harm in it. Some buddhas have awakened, there is no glory in it. Just take care, when you are a sleeping buddha – don’t snore, because that disturbs other sleeping buddhas. Not to disturb anybody, not to interfere in anybody’s territory – that is the only virtue I know of.”

Osho, One Seed Makes the Whole Earth Green #3

July 27, 2020

The fourth virtual Morning Satsang of the year was Zoom’d on Sunday, July 26, 2020 at 12:15pm EDT. It features special guests Chandira (piano, bass), Nandin (silver flute), Harida (santoor), Milind (bansuri), Sudhananda and myself on acoustic guitars and vocals. I wish to thank and acknowledge all the musicians for sharing their talents and gracing this meditation with their inspired playing.

The meditation is one hour long. It is done with eyes closed. Sit comfortably and relax. The music, quotes from Osho, humming, and gaps of silence are there to support letting go into silence as deeply as possible. The stages are as follows:

1. Bell to start

2. A short silence

3. The first music track

4. Fifteen minutes of silent sitting

5. An Osho quote in Hindi

6. Another bell signals the Humming Stage (ten minutes long). This stage requires participation. Hum quietly to oneself with lips and teeth together.

7. Fifteen minutes of silent sitting

8. An Osho quote in English

9. The second music track

10. A short silence

11. Three bells signal the end

The celebration song that follows, “We Are Buddha Nature”, is written by my dear Danish friend, Bindu, with whom I played with for many years. We first sang this song in Osho’s discourse, probably sometime in 1988. It went on to become one of the sannyas “classics”. The song video, edited by Sudhananda, can be listened to and viewed on the One Sky Music Youtube channel. Visit The entire meditation can be downloaded below or it can be stream at This is a free sharing to be enjoyed by all. However, consider a contribution of any amount you feel appropriate to support the music and events like this to continue. Please visit the “Contribute” button at the top right margin of this page. Thank you! 
